Sunday, June 29, 2008

potato sack dress

yesterday tyson and my cousin mark spent all day biking a century (100 miles).  so kat (mark's wife) and i had our own marathon day of sewing.  kat's been wanted to learn more sewing skills so we decided to make this dress together.  kat did the original dress in blue and i did a variation on the neckline in a brown linen.  overall it was really easy.  i think mine only took about 3 hours.  here is a picture of us after church with our matching dresses.  tyson says mine resembles a potato sack and i must agree, but i like it anyway.

Thursday, June 5, 2008


i decided to take a break from sewing my messenger bag which is taking forever and make the couch pillows that i have meaning to make for a few months. i wanted to make something similar to these pillows from cb2. i was really happy with the way they turned out. i meant to make more although after the two i felt like they were already getting pretty bold and busy in our simplistic room so i stopped. i may add a few plain ones in the future, but for now i am done. it just feels good to finish a project.